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on February 5, 2012 at 9:47:16 am

the start of a bibliography


Anon. 2009. “Case Study 5-Bernard Cohen’s Painting with Three Spots: One Blue and Two Yellow.” TAAMPP Newsletter (Tate AXA Modern Paints Project), November. http://www.tate.org.uk/research/tateresearch/majorprojects/pdf/TAAMPP_newsletter_6_November2009.pdf.
———. “Gels Cleaning Research (1998-2003).” Getty Conservation Institute. http://www.getty.edu/conservation/our_projects/science/gels/index.html.
———. “Pemulen TR-2 - Technical Data Sheets - Literature - Noveon Consumer Specialties.” http://www.personalcare.noveon.com/techdata/pemulentr2.asp.
———. “Pemulen® Polymeric Emulsifiers - Products - Noveon Consumer Specialties.” http://www.personalcare.noveon.com/products/pemulen.asp.
———. “TDS-117_Skin_Care_Products_Formulated_with_Pemulen.pdf.”
———. “TDS-448_Shelf_Life_Powdered_Carbopol_Pemulen.pdf.”
Carlotti, M. E., F. Pattarino, M. R. Gasco, and R. Cavalli. 1995. “Use of Polymeric and Non-polymeric Surfactants in O/w Emulsion Formulation.” International Journal of Cosmetic Science 17 (1): 13-25.
Goddard, Errol Desmond, and James V. Gruber. 1999. Principles of Polymer Science and Technology in Cosmetics and Personal Care. Vol. 22. Cosmetic Science and Technology Series. Informa Healthcare. http://books.google.com/books?id=56R-6Wyyo6IC&pg=PA607&dq=pemulen+tr-2+goodrich&hl=en&ei=8cwzTNjpJsH-8Aazx53JCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCoQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=pemulen%20tr-2%20goodrich&f=false.
Hulbert, Anna. 1992. “A Further Idea for Dewaxing.” Conservation News (United Kingdom Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works), November. (uses Pemulen TR-1)
Ravenel, Nancie. 2010. “Pemulen TR-2: An Emulsifying Agent with Promise.” Newsletter (Western Association for Art Conservation), September.
Scucs, Maria. 2008. “Thermoanalytical and Microscopal Investigation of the Microstructure of Emulsions Containing a Polymeric Emulsifier.” Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 94 (1) (October): 271-274. doi:10.1007/s10973-007-8907-. http://www.akademiai.com/content/c31g621502311j44/.
Stavroudis, Chris. 2010. “Using Pemulen with the MCP.” Newsletter (Western Association for Art Conservation), September.
Travers, Kristin, Richard Wolbers, and Carolyn Tomkiewicz. 2010. “Pemulen Case Study: Holy Innocents Mural Project.” Newsletter (Western Association for Art Conservation), September.
Williams, Donna. 2010. “Pemulen Case Study: A Midsummer-Night’s Dream.” Newsletter (Western Association for Art Conservation), September.



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